Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Veteran's Beer Company

I received an email (oh it was a while ago now) asking me if I had checked out Veteran Beer Company. I hadn't, but immediately went online to check it out. Veteran works hard to employ veterans in all aspects of their business, which is really awesome. According the the Veteran Beer Company, the unemployment rate for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans is near 20%, this is a seriously disturbing statistic. 

It took me about as long as you just reading that to decide that I wanted to try the beer, so we went out and bought the Blonde Bomber.
This is an easy session beer with a nice blonde color, and wheaty taste. I would say that we had no problem sipping our way through it. It was not quite as yeasty as I have been used to lately, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. Overall I think that Blonde Bomber is a good solid session beer (at 5.0% ABV you can have quite a few in a night).

I think that perhaps my favorite part of buying the beer was the fact that Veteran Beer Company donates ten percent of all sales to support Veteran's causes. Now that is a beer that makes you feel good in a couple of ways.

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